Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On The Road Again

I spent a few days visiting rental complexes so we could have rental information when jobs came in. I visited some interesting areas. There were some places where I didn't feel comfortable getting out of the car. I always love visiting these places, seeing how crappy some of them are and then going onto to see what the tenants and former tenants say. Usually my impression isn't that far off from what people have to say. I have told many of my friends that these little trips make you realize how lucky you are. I can bitch and moan about little things every now and then, but I can pay my bills, I live in a safe environment, my house is clean and rid of any pests. Some people don't have a choice, and it isn't necessarily because they don't work hard. Of course, it works both ways, I have been inside of 10,000 square foot homes with indoor pools thinking to myself, 'wow.'

Again, it was liberating to not be tied to a desk or office all day. It was a nice day, and it was nice to get out and see a few different counties. I usually will get a rental car when I'm taking a long trip. The guys at Enterprise Rent-a-car were impressed that I put over 300 miles on one of their cars in one day. On this day I had my own vehicle because, although I was going to be traveling quite a bit, I felt pretty close to home and didn't feel the need to get a rental car.

This was a slow period. We've had them off and on and you will experience them too if you chose to get into this field.

Sorry to cut this post short, but I have a residential to work on. . .

Next up, Is This The Thing For Me?