Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sh*t Work

Well, I knew that day was going to come. I didn't know exactly what it was going to be, but I knew that the grunt work would be there, and I would be expected to do it. That's okay I guess, but there seemed to be an awful lot of it, all at once.

Nothing like being the low man on the totem pole! First it was running errands and getting copies made. At least I got some fresh air. Then I would deliver our clients' reports. After that it was emptying the trash, that wasn't terrible either. Believe it or not, the task that I hate doing the most is having to call people and convince them to give me information that they have no incentive to give me. Many times people are rude (and in some cases, very uneducated.)

If you are looking to get into this field, don't think that it is all going to be a bed of roses. Also, don't think that you are going to make a lot of money (at first.) In most cases, it is actually costing your mentor to keep you around, but I think you'll find that it is worth it. We just have to make a few years worth of sacrifices to make it happen.

I had a really hard time convincing the people closest to me that I would actually have to take a large pay cut to pursue this career. Poeple sometimes have a hard time dealing with the fact that a person with a college degree and 15 years of work experience could actually make $10.00 per hour. I had to convince people to think of it as an internship or an apprenticeship, in the end the cut will be worth it and I will end up making a lot more money and being happier in the long run.

I've had some concerns. I have had to provide my own health insurance and retirement. I'm driving an eight year old car that I haven't made a payment on in years. I'm making very little money and if that car craps out I could be screwed. In the end, I'm just going to try to have faith that things are going to work out.

Next post, On The Road Again

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